Thursday, October 25, 2012

My New Book

DeAnne and her husband, Otto Orive, own Grand Slam Grooming in Bridgeville, Pennsylvania.

Becky letting DeAnne know she's a good Mommy.
They loved my last book, 15 Dogs & a Cat Speak Out!, so much that they asked me to interview many of the dogs that they groom. Mom has to help too.

Anyway, Mom and I are busy working on the interviews. The dogs are so cool and I love to read their answers - plus I learn a lot of new stuff. Most of all, I get reminded how much all of us dogs love our families. I wonder what they'd do without us.

Gotta get back to work. I stretch up next to Mom and her computer and relax for her while she works. I even let her stop to pet me. It's a hard job but somebody has to do it.

DeAnne, we're working!

Monday, October 15, 2012


I've been thinkin' about my name - Luke.

It's a good name and I like it but one little word can mean so many things. Sometimes it's hard to understand people but not when they speak your name. I've learned that some people - like my doctor and my groomer - stick my family name on the end of it. That's okay.

When people call me Luke, it's a friendly sort of greeting, meant to tell me they like me.

Sometimes Mom calls me Lukie or Lukie-baby. That tells me she wants to be all cuddly and if I don't watch it, she'll try to kiss me.

Mom also calls me her "Baby Boy" while Dad calls me "Little Man." Go figure.

When Mom calls me Luke, that means she's talking about me. When she calls Lu-u-uke, that means she wants me to come.

When either of them call LUKE, that means I'm in trouble and I better listen.

The worst - when they call LUKE!! I hide.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mom, come home

Me - protecting our backyard
Mom's been gone forever... It's just Dad and Peanut and me. Pretty dull around our house. But I've done a great job of keeping Mom's chair warm. I chase all the squirrels away, bark loud to protect our house, take care of Dad, and just keep everything ready for her to come.

I think when she gets here, I'll give her a big sad-eyed, I-haven't-had-any-treats-since-you've-been-gone look and see if it works. She's a softie anyway. I won't chase Peanut for at least the first few minutes and I'll give her plenty of chances to play with my toys.

Wouldn't you think she'd hurry home for that? I don't know what else I can do - besides lots of kisses. I may even let her hug me.

Me - keeping her chair warm

If you see her, will you ask her to hurry?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Understanding people

I try hard, I really do. People are just hard to figure out. I'll give you some examples.

I hear people walking by our house and I run to the door and give it my best howl to let Mom and Dad know. They don't appreciate it, though. When they yell, "Luke," really loud, I'm in trouble. Geez!

I like to share dinner with my sister, Peanut, but I'm polite. I sit, watch and wait for her to eat first. I still hear, "Luke," in that tone of voice that tells me to get away. I'm just trying to keep her company. Mom and Dad eat their dinner together. Go figure!

I love to hide my toys in Peanut's bed. She might want to play with them too. As usual, I get in trouble for that. Well, I guess I better admit it also gives me a reason to get in there with her.

Life with people can be a challenge but I love it when they hold me or play with me. Guess we just have to work on understanding each other.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Good news. I don't have allurgeez. Bad news. I have some kind of mites. The doctor gave me an awful tasting medicine. Mom and Dad try sneaky ways to get me to take it. Peanut butter is their favorite weapon. I love peanut butter and if they want to stick in those little hard things they call pills, that's okay. But when they try that icky stuff they squirt in my mouth - no way. I'm smart enough to not fall for the peanut butter trick then. Today when Mom got my medicine out, I ran into my house. Can you believe that Dad just got down on the floor and talked to me until I felt sorry for him and came back out? Then Mom came over and squirted that stuff in my mouth. Last time I feel sorry for Dad. They'll have to think of a better trick tomorrow 'cause I'm on to their games.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My doctor and me

I think I'm in a hospital. I don't know for sure but I'm staying with my doctor. My allergies keep getting worse and I have new medicine. My doctor checks on me every day. Everything's good here but the shots. Uggghhh!

Have I told you I love going to my doctor and my groomer? They are in the same place and everyone loves me. I just try to be friendly with everyone I meet 'cause I LOVE people.

I don't know when Mom and Dad will come back for me but I'll be ready to go home. I miss my sister, Peanut, even if she doesn't like to play with me.

To be honest, I like it wherever I am - as long as I'm with people who love me.

It pays to be a handsome guy but it's my charm that makes people love me.

Life is good, isn't it?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Doctors, Groomers and Dads

Ooh, Mom is packing my bag with my food, pills and peanut butter. That means we’re going someplace and I get to ride in the car – one of my favorite things.

Yesterday I went back to the doctor. He is sending me to a special doctor – a d??? (I’ll have to ask Mom how to spell it… Mom!... ) dermatologist. Don’t know what that means but I still have big problems with my allurgeez. Did I tell you Mom makes me a wear a shirt all the time now?  Yuck!

Stephanie, my groomer, gave me another bath. Don’t like the bath but she sure knows how to make me feel special. It’s all kissy, kissy lovin’ and that makes the bath okay.

Anyway, I left looking handsome as usual! Dad picked me up. He’s cool but he doesn’t tell me how handsome I look. He’s a good dad though. He holds me for a long time every morning, takes me for rides on the golf cart, lets me play outside while he’s doing whatever stuff he does and rubs my tummy whenever I want him to.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad. I think I speak for all dogs when I say our human dads make us happy.  I think I’ll give Dad a few extra licks on his knees tonight – let him know I love him sooooo much.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Allergies don't go away.

I wish my allurgeez would go away for good. I had to go back to my doctor again. He's a nice guy but he always gives me pills or shots. Pills are good cause I get them in peanut butter. Shots are bad.

Mom asked the doctor if she should quit giving me peanut butter. My goodness gracious, what a horrible thought. I love that sticky gooey stuff in my mouth. I'm glad he said peanut butter is good for me.

Me - in my baby shirt -tail draggin'

You won't believe what Mom did to me though. She bought a baby shirt and is making me wear it. I know it's to keep me from scratching' and lickin' but get real, Mom. I'm a dog, not a baby. I've been really quiet since she put the shirt on me. Maybe she'll figure out I don't like it.

Sometimes it's hard to be a dog - especially one with allurgeez.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Grooming time

I have the coolest groomer. Her name is Stephanie and she loves me. I love her friendly smile. She's so colorful. She acts colorful too - all smiles and hugs. I even put up with her kisses. Stephanie gives me a bath every week. I have allurgeez (Mom says it's "allergies"). Stephanie gives me a special bath and I have to soak forever. I don't like that. She can be tough too and I've found that she always wins. I've never won yet when I try to keep her from doing something. Thing is - I really don't mind it too much because when Mom and Dad pick me up, Mom thinks I look handsome and Dad tells me I'm a good boy. I have a pretty cool life. I'm handsome too - just ask Mom! I understand "good boy" but what does handsome mean?

Monday, May 28, 2012


The last two times I took Mom on our morning walk, I saw a lot of these colorful things blowing in the wind. I liked the colors. Mom told me they are our flags and it is a special holiday. They make her smile so I think they are a good thing. I like them because the colors move when the wind blows.

As a thinking dog, I ponder things. I wonder why if it's a good thing and it makes people smile, why aren't they there all the time?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Body Parts

I like human knees. Don't know if all dogs do but I love the salty taste and good smell of knees - especially Dad's knees. I can lick his knees for what seems like forever. So I got to wonderin' what body parts other dogs like? I know from the interviews for my book that Buddy Lund likes to lick his Dad's feet before they go to bed at night. My sister Peanut doesn't lick much of anything. She just eats and sleeps. Dad said she used to lick his elbow at night. I've never tried an elbow. Maybe that's what I'll do tonight. Dog buddies, please let me know if you like knees.

Friday, May 18, 2012



I've been thinking about cats. I would like to meet Sweetie. She seems so...well...sweet. I'd like to play with her. I think we could be friends. Cats do like to play, don't they?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Ever wonder what makes weeds smell so delicious? Mom is always pulling me out of the weeds and telling me "No" when I'm having a great time with all those different smells. Plus they feel so good when I roll around in them.

I don't like sticky things though 'cause Dad pulls them out of my hair and I don't like that.

Do cats like to roll in the weeds? 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pills and Peanut Butter

I went to my vet yesterday. Bad news - he stuck me with a needle.

Good news - he gave me pills. Some dogs don't like pills but I kinda like them. I get them stuck in a big glob of peanut butter and I love, love, love peanut butter.

Anyway, Mom says they are for my allurgeez. I'd sure like to stop itching so much.

Life is good. Went for my walk with Dad. I have a new dog food that I like better than that fishy stuff. There's a warm sunny spot right in front of the window. What a day!

Monday, May 14, 2012


I have allurgeez - or something like that. Mom has a name for it. All I know is that I itch all the time and I get in trouble for biting myself. Do other dogs have allurgeez? Let me know if you do? Maybe you can tell me how to get rid of them!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I'm home!

Oh boy oh boy oh boy, I'm home. No more looking out of my house and seeing Newton's scary face. No more Newton hissing and chasing me through the house. No more Newton swishing his tail and glaring at me. Whoopee! I've been running through the house enjoying life.

Monday, May 7, 2012

My Monday morning

I sleep in my own little house. It's always comfy & cozy but this morning when I woke up, the first thing I saw was Newton the Terrible's mean face. He wasn't smiling & he sure looked hungry. Talk about a nightmare!

Monday, March 19, 2012

15 Dogs & a Cat

Mom is busy getting my revised book to the printer. Can't wait for you to meet the cool dogs - and a cat - that are in it. Furry critters like me are awesome! I will show you the new cover soon.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Doctor today

I have an inflamed trachea - whatever that is. All I know is that I cough a lot and get really gaggy. Not pleasant. The shot and pills aren't that great either, but maybe they'll help.

I have this really cool doctor who comes to my house in a big white truck. It says Dr Missy on it. She gives me treats!

I hope none of my dog friends get this thing - Mom calls it a "bug" but I like to eat bugs and this isn't the same.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Bath time

I went to Petsmart and got a bath and a haircut. Mom says best part is that I smell good. I say it's the treat she gives me when we get home.

Have to admit it feels good to not have itchy ears. If you've ever had them, you know what I mean. Do people get itchy ears?

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Big Bird

On my morning walks, I've been checking out some new smells. There's a huge tall bird near the water most mornings but I'm not about to get close enough to smell him. When anyone gets close, he takes off and his wings practically cover the sky. Mom says he's a Great Blue Heron.

She's impressed. I just give him space.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Hair Combing Ritual

When I interview other dogs, I always ask if they have bad hair days. There’s a good reason I ask. Every morning, I have to go through this ordeal with Dad.
He holds the comb in his hand like it’s a weapon and then he expects me to jump in his lap, eager to have him grab my face and hold me in weird positions while he pulls that thing through my hair. Oh, yeah, he’s telling me what a good boy I am the whole time I’m in contortions.

How could I be anything else – caught in a vise grip with him yanking me this way and that?
It’s not easy being a dog – especially not one who’s supposed to look well-groomed and handsome all the time. I’d rather have fun, roll in some interesting smells, and get my feet all muddy.

I don’t understand the purpose of this morning ritual but one thing I’ve learned – there’s a treat at the end. Makes it all worthwhile. Wonder if people see life the same way?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My new book: Dogs Speak Out!

My book is out! My book is out!

Can't contain my excitement! Better than treats! Check it out at Amazon's Kindle store or

Don't you just love the cover?

Let me know how you like it, okay? I'm sooooo proud! Woooooo-hooooo! I interview twelve dogs in the book. It's your chance to find out what makes us so lovable, charming and intelligent - well, I could go on and on. Read the book and you'll understand.

It's way too cool to be on the cover of a book. By the way, what does an e-book smell like?