Saturday, June 14, 2014

Great big cats

I love the jeep!
As usual, Mom and Dad have all the fun. We went to Cedar Cove Feline Conservatory today where people rescue big cats (tigers and lions). I had to spend most of the time in the car because dogs aren't allowed inside. Do you suppose those big cats are afraid of me?

I hope they're nicer than Newton, a devil cat that hisses at me every time I visit him. You think he'd know I only want to play.

Anyway, Mom and Dad loved the cats. At least I got to play-drive the safari jeep.

Oh, did I tell you? Mom bought some animal crackers and I got to eat a tiger! Yummy!

To my people friends, it's a great place to visit in the Kansas City area. To my dog friends, hang out in the jeep. It's fun! Ask for animal cookies too!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

My visit to Pittsburgh

Aaron, Rebecca, Nathan and Maddy with me
I'm loving Pittsburgh. I especially like the parks, the green grass, all the rabbits and squirrels, and the friendly people.

Rosie, the little poodle that Joyce and Johnny live with, is becoming a friend. She's friendly and she knows how to get treats all the time. I'm sticking with her!

I think I have my own fan club now that I'm an author dog. Check out the picture taken with some of the kids that helped me with my latest book, Fun Days in Pittsburgh. We introduced it at a fundraiser at Papa Gallo's (where Joyce takes Mom and Dad for breakfast - while I sit in the car or wait at home!!!).

The kids loved autographing the book. Sure made me proud!

Aaron autographing my book with his grandmother, Karen Scott

Monday, April 7, 2014

Obedience Training

Mom went to a dog event yesterday. They had classes on obedience training and agility. When we wrote my book, Famous Dogs, we included Tiffany, a 15-year-old Yorkie from Pittsburgh. She has won all kinds of agility awards and has more than 700 hours as a therapy dog.

Here's a picture of Tiffany and Amber. Amber is a therapy dog and does agility too.

Mom wants me to do that. I think I'd love it except I really like obeying commands on my schedule instead of hers. I find it much more enjoyable if I don't hear her call me the first time or two. That way I can come when I'm finished checking things out.

I'm not sure Mom and Dad have that figured out yet cause they still give me treats!

I like my life.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Old Drum

Hi, I'm Luke!

Mom hasn't written my post for a long time but she agreed to tell the story of Old Drum.

We visited Warrensburg, Missouri, and I found a new hero. Old Drum was a hound dog who lived a long, long time ago - in the 1800s in people years. He was an awesome hunter known for his tracking skills. However, one night he wandered onto the neighboring farm and the owner shot and killed him. Old Drum's human, Charles Burden, sued his neighbor (and relative).

It went to court three times until George Graham Vest gave a closing argument that won the case for Mr. Burden.

Here are some of my favorite lines from his speech.

Statue dedicated to Old Drum
Gentlemen of the jury, the best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. .. The one absolute, unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world—the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous—is his dog.
Gentlemen of the jury, a man's dog stands by him in prosperity and poverty, in health and sickness. ... When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens...

This became known as the "man's best friend" speech. All dogs try to live up to this standard. We love our people unconditionally with our whole hearts.
The county courthouse in Warrensburg is home to a statue in honor of Old Drum. Wonder if I'll ever have a statue?