Thursday, October 25, 2012

My New Book

DeAnne and her husband, Otto Orive, own Grand Slam Grooming in Bridgeville, Pennsylvania.

Becky letting DeAnne know she's a good Mommy.
They loved my last book, 15 Dogs & a Cat Speak Out!, so much that they asked me to interview many of the dogs that they groom. Mom has to help too.

Anyway, Mom and I are busy working on the interviews. The dogs are so cool and I love to read their answers - plus I learn a lot of new stuff. Most of all, I get reminded how much all of us dogs love our families. I wonder what they'd do without us.

Gotta get back to work. I stretch up next to Mom and her computer and relax for her while she works. I even let her stop to pet me. It's a hard job but somebody has to do it.

DeAnne, we're working!

Monday, October 15, 2012


I've been thinkin' about my name - Luke.

It's a good name and I like it but one little word can mean so many things. Sometimes it's hard to understand people but not when they speak your name. I've learned that some people - like my doctor and my groomer - stick my family name on the end of it. That's okay.

When people call me Luke, it's a friendly sort of greeting, meant to tell me they like me.

Sometimes Mom calls me Lukie or Lukie-baby. That tells me she wants to be all cuddly and if I don't watch it, she'll try to kiss me.

Mom also calls me her "Baby Boy" while Dad calls me "Little Man." Go figure.

When Mom calls me Luke, that means she's talking about me. When she calls Lu-u-uke, that means she wants me to come.

When either of them call LUKE, that means I'm in trouble and I better listen.

The worst - when they call LUKE!! I hide.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mom, come home

Me - protecting our backyard
Mom's been gone forever... It's just Dad and Peanut and me. Pretty dull around our house. But I've done a great job of keeping Mom's chair warm. I chase all the squirrels away, bark loud to protect our house, take care of Dad, and just keep everything ready for her to come.

I think when she gets here, I'll give her a big sad-eyed, I-haven't-had-any-treats-since-you've-been-gone look and see if it works. She's a softie anyway. I won't chase Peanut for at least the first few minutes and I'll give her plenty of chances to play with my toys.

Wouldn't you think she'd hurry home for that? I don't know what else I can do - besides lots of kisses. I may even let her hug me.

Me - keeping her chair warm

If you see her, will you ask her to hurry?