Monday, May 30, 2016

Fun things happen when I'm left at home


Mom is having fun in Pittsburgh and I'm home guarding the house. Lots of people at the lake today so I've been very busy, making sure we're safe.

Mom loves to meet other dogs and today she took a photo of Buffy, who is tiny. Mom says I'd make two of her since she only weighs four pounds. She looks like a friendly sort but I'd like to check her out.

I think Mom needs someone to take care of her when she's out and about. I hope she doesn't get into too much trouble.

By the way, Mom, I miss all my treats. When are you coming home?

Sunday, May 29, 2016

What kind of treats do dogs like?

The true answer here is almost anything, but I will try to be more specific.

I like most things that Mom and Dad eat. I figure if they like it, I will like it. I especially like meat and eggs, but I'll eat spaghetti or whatever I get. I don't get much 'cause Mom says I'm little and she doesn't want me to gain too much weight. Do people worry about that?

For snacks, I like any treat as long as it's not too hard. I'll take Bacon Bits any day over hard cracker stuff. Mom likes to get my treats at Trader Joe's 'cause she says it's economical. Not sure what that means but I like them 'cause they taste good.

I like peanuts too but I don't get too many of those. Some stuff I like I can't have. Are people ever like that? I'd love to share some Peanut M&M's but I guess that's a no-no for me.

All in all, I can't complain. I've got them figured out. The more often I go outside, the more I get a treat. The more often I sit on their laps, the more I get a treat. If I give them "the look," I get a treat.

Don't ever think we dogs are dumb! We have our people pegged!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Battlefield B&B at Gettysburg loves dogs!

Dad & I are learning about the Underground
Railroad near Gettysburg

I just spent four days in Gettysburg, PA. My mom went for something she called a "writers' retreat." It was like most human things - a bunch of people sitting around talking. Mostly they ignored me but that was okay.

The great thing - we stayed at the Battlefield Bed & Breakfast. They love dogs and I got to go everywhere. I didn't even have to leave when Mom & Dad ate breakfast. I know when to be quiet and if I'm extra good, I can count on Mom to slip me a treat or two.

There was lots of yard for me to check out. I loved it except I'm nervous around cats - and there were plenty of them around the yard. I know I have a cat phobia because of Newton, the meanest cat in the world. He lives in Kansas City and every time we go to his house, he hisses and carries on. I bark at him but he doesn't listen. I don't think these cats were that mean but I can never be sure.

Battlefield B & B

Anyway, I loved Gettysburg. I met bunches of friendly people during our trip. Dad and I are back home now and I like that too.