Ooh, Mom is packing my bag with my food, pills and peanut
butter. That means we’re going someplace and I get to ride in the car – one of
my favorite things.
Yesterday I went back to the doctor. He is sending me to a
special doctor – a d??? (I’ll have to ask Mom how to spell it… Mom!... )
dermatologist. Don’t know what that means but I still have big problems with my
allurgeez. Did I tell you Mom makes me a wear a shirt all the time now? Yuck!
Stephanie, my groomer, gave me another bath. Don’t like the
bath but she sure knows how to make me feel special. It’s all kissy, kissy
lovin’ and that makes the bath okay.
Anyway, I left looking handsome as usual! Dad picked me up.
He’s cool but he doesn’t tell me how handsome I look. He’s a good dad though. He
holds me for a long time every morning, takes me for rides on the golf cart,
lets me play outside while he’s doing whatever stuff he does and rubs my tummy
whenever I want him to.
Happy Father’s Day, Dad. I think I speak for all dogs when I
say our human dads make us happy. I
think I’ll give Dad a few extra licks on his knees tonight – let him know I love
him sooooo much.